Saturday, April 17, 2010
Should be no fee for the administration for the Prize
20 Gresham Street
United Kingdom
31st March, 2010.
Attention: I Gede Artana.
Bank To Bank Wire Transfer
We wish to officially inform you that you have been approved for payment after due verification exercise, and authorization from the YAHOO Organization, we have acknowledged your winning and approved you for payment to the sum of One Million US Dollars(US $1,000,000.00) being your email lotto promotions cash prize.
We have acknowledged the receipt of your approval winner's certificate proof document and we have established that you are the legitimate owner of the email address that won One Million Dollars of US in this year's Award Lotto Lottery promotions.
Again, this bank wishes to inform you, the procedure for the disbursement of your winning prize has been commenced by the remittance department of this bank, kindly note that the detail of your file and account details have been submitted to our accounts review committee, but note: -
1., Our bank has a banking policy operating in our directives of job processing and customer satisfaction that we do have laws governing our bank rules. And 2. Our bank is known for long standing Reputation in maintaining customer Respect and Obeying Banking rules/Laws.
However, this is to certify that your prize money is now legible to be transferred upon our transfer procedure which you are required to precede with the bank requirement for the international wire transfer to your account with a sum of Eight hundred and fifty pounds sterling only (£850.00) affidavit & court letter of administration charge.
Note this, as part of our contractual agreement with our partners, the Yahoo Award Lotto Lottery Inc, that no amount can be deducted from your prize money; this is because the total amount has been insured to the real value.
And this is in accordance with section 13(1) (n) of the national gambling act as adopted in 1993 and amended on 3rd July 1996 by the constitutional assembly and it put in place to protect winners from Bank exploitation and to avoid misappropriation of funds.
Again, your prize is protected by a hardcover insurance policy, which makes it impossible to remove any amount of money from your winning prize money until it is remitted to you. This is equally contained in our deed of contract with the Yahoo Award Beta Lotto Lottery.
Based on this affore-mentioned fact we shall commence the transfer of your winning prize money upon the receipt of the following Amount £850.00 for COURT AFFIDAVIT which will empower the remittance department to approve your prize transfer as specified in this Claim without breaking any international foreign fund law transfer and Paris club.
In accordance with the financial regulatory policy of this bank the said charge should be paid to this bank through Western Union Money transfer to the bank using the information below. (This is for accessibility of the fee to avoid delay)
Name: Mr. Rob Leith (Manager)
Receiver's Address: 20 Gresham Street London (Our bank address)
Amount: £850 GBP
Please send the copy of the payment slip for official reference. Send the payment receipt as soon as it is made to enable us process the affidavit in only one working day before the commencement of the account transfer.
NB: Money can be sent in any denomination for any amount.
It takes 3 working days for the money to reach your account just after transfer. We shall procure the affidavit in one working day then commence the transfer.
Thanks for your cooperation in anticipation.
Yours in service,
Rob Leith
Manager &Chief Executive.
Tel: +44 (701) 116 35 98.
Office Hours 9am-4pm Monday-Friday
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Standard Bank Plc accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss whether it be direct, indirect or consequential, arising from information made available and actions resulting there from. Please do not reply this message to this e-mail address.
© 2010 Standard Bank Plc. All Rights Reserved.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Daya Saing Pariwisata RI Terus Menurun
Jakarta (ANTARA) - Indeks daya saing pariwisata Indonesia menurut survei World Economic Forum (WEF) dari tahun ke tahun terus menurun dengan peringkat ke-60 pada 2007, peringkat ke-80 pada 2008, dan peringkat ke-81 pada 2009.
"Pada 2008 kita di posisi 80 dari 131 negara yang disurvei, dan pada 2009 kita turun jadi peringkat 81 negara dari 133 negara yang disurvei WEF," kata Dirjen Pengembangan Destinasi Kementerian Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata (Kemenbudpar), Firmansyah Rahim, dalam Diskusi Pariwisata bertema Meneropong Daya Saing Pariwisata Indonesia, Forum Wartawan Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata (Forbudpar), di Jakarta, Jumat sore.
Ia mengatakan, turunnya posisi Indonesia disebabkan oleh naiknya peringkat Brunei Darussalam dalam kancah penilaian WEF.
Menurut Firman, untuk mengetahui sebab pasti terus melorotnya posisi Indonesia dalam indeks daya saing pariwisata, maka harus terlebih dahulu menilik variabel yang menjadi acuan survei.
"Kalau kita mau perbaiki daya saing kita, maka kita harus pelajari apa saja yang dinilai oleh mereka," katanya.
Pihaknya mencatat bahwa WEF menampung sejumlah parameter untuk dijadikan bahan survei indeks daya saing pariwisata.
Forum tersebut menetapkan tiga parameter utama penilaian yakni kerangka regulasi (yang terdiri dari 14 subpenilaian), lingkungan bisnis dan infrastruktur (5 subpenilaian), serta sumber daya manusia dan sumber daya alam (4 subpenilaian).
"Jika lebih detail lagi jumlah yang dinilai ada 73 unsur penilaian," katanya.
Firman mencontohkan sebanyak 73 variabel yang dinilai itu meliputi berbagai hal, misalnya untuk kerangka regulasi mencakup kebijakan dan peraturan, kewajaran kepemilikan usaha asing, hak kekayaan intelektual, peraturan terkait investasi asing, persyaratan visa, dan keterbukaan kerja sama `open air acces`.
"Selain itu, mereka juga menilai dalam hal lingkungan yang berkelanjutan, peraturan di bidang lingkungan, emisi CO2, konsentrasi partikulat berbahaya, spesies yang dilindungi, keselamatan, terorisme, hingga keandalan pelayanan polisi," katanya.
Indonesia menempati posisi paling bagus dalam hal harga di mana Indonesia mampu menempati ranking ke-3 soal harga yang ditawarkan.
"Dari 73 unsur yang menjadi bahan penilaian, yang menjadi domain kebijakan Kemenbudpar hanya 12 unsur," katanya.
Sisanya sebanyak 28 unsur ada di bawah koordinasi instansi lain yang masih memungkinkan untuk dilakukan koordinasi lintas-instansi dan 34 unsur lainnya harus dibangun oleh seluruh rakyat Indonesia (mencakup kebersihan, ramah tamah, dan lain-lain).
"Kalau yang terkait dengan instansi lain akan kami upayakan untuk dikoordinasikan terlebih akan ada Perpres tentang koordinasi yang diharapkan dalam 2 bulan ke depan rampung," katanya.
Ia berharap sebanyak 28 unsur bahan penilaian yang membutuhkan koordinasi lintas instansi dapat segera teratasi melalui aturan baru tersebut.
"Sedangkan untuk 34 unsur lain yang merupakan domain seluruh masyarakat Indonesia akan kami upayakan melalui pola kampanye sadar wisata," katanya.
Sedangkan 12 domain Kemenbudpar, ia menambahkan, akan terus ditingkatkan meskipun cukup mendapat point yang lumayan baik dalam penilaian WEF. Dari 12 poin tersebut, di antaranya tentang pembangunan sektor pariwisata yang berkelanjutan, etika eksekutif berbisnis pariwisata, dan sikap masyarakat terhadap wisatawan.
"Peringkat ini memang tidak mempengaruhi jumlah kedatangan wisman ke Indonesia secara langsung. Tapi diperlukan sebagai benchmark dan cara untuk tahu kelemahan kita. Peringkat ini lebih ke berfungsi ke arah investasi," demikian Firmansyah Rahim.